Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time To Bust Out The Cod Liver Oil!

Winter is here ... or is it just me, wearing three layers and a hat?

OK, so it is still cold at 20 degrees or so in the afternoon, but in the morning, dark ... and freezing, which begins enough for me to say, the winter set in.

With winter comes shorter days, less sunlight for those means in the house all day work. Compared to summer, when darkness only last 7-8 hours a day, offers winter darkness for about 13hrs a day. So in other words, you willgenerally set to work to increase just as the sun begins to work and you will go down if it's going.

Sunlight provides us with nutrients, especially vitamin D rose, the sun would have one of the most effective and easiest ways to obtain vitamin D. Some other sources of vitamin D include salmon, herring, tuna, sardines, Bio - mushrooms and organic eggs.

Due to the lack of sun we get in the winter we have enough vitamin D throughObtained sources of food for good health, vitamin D plays an important role in our kidneys to help absorb calcium for bone strength, and it also helps in the proper functioning of muscles and nerves.

However, most people eat too little salmon, herring, tuna, sardines and other foods rich in vitamin D each day to keep to their vitamin D levels high. Although many of cereals and milk products are now fortified with vitamin D, it is important to note that this synthetic form of a manof vitamin D that do not recognize the body to absorb and efficiently. Cereal and milk are also high in sugar, which reduces the absorption of vitamin D, so that in reality the two are mutually contradictory.

Here's cod liver oil (CLO), the extraordinarily rich in vitamin D and vitamin A, so that a spoonful of CLO and represent more than the recommended daily intake for these vitamins are. CLO not only contains more vitamin A and vitamin D per unit weight than any other foodSource, but it also consists of omgea3 essential fatty acids that are well researched, show many health benefits, including:

Improved cardiovascular health
Increased recovery and muscle growth
Improved mental / brain function
Improved memory
Increased asthma symptoms
Improved blood pressure
Improved cholesterol levels
Reduction of allergy symptoms
Improved depression, ADD, ADHD
Increased fat loss
Reduced Inflammation
Reduced risk ofCancer
Suppress cortisol and muscle breakdown

Vitamin A, D and omega-3 are essential nutrients that are lacking in the modern diet, CLO, which makes a perfect addition to any diet. These vitamins play an important role in the body to improve muscle function and supports the heart by it within the elasticity of blood vessels.

CLO at for a long time and was known for his role in promoting the health of bones known, but it also plays a roleto help many different diseases, including arthritis, heart disease, cancer, muscular pain, joint pain, affecting the chances of type 1 diabetes, affecting the chances of child mortality, improvement of the glucose response in diabetic patients, the treatment of diaper rash, healing and protection of retina of the eye, healthier-looking skin, reducing wrinkles, reducing blood pressure, reduce tooth decay, help with irritable bowel syndrome, faster wound healing, assist in the treatment of cancer,and that only a few call it?

Receipt of this benefit through the consumption of fish can be a difficult task to maintain the same level of vitamin D and A in one tablespoon of CLO, he encourages you to about a pound of fatty herring or sardines to eat.

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