Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food "Hippocrates 460 to 359 BC
"Vitality and beauty are gifts from nature for those who live according to its laws." Leonardo DEVINCI
In these topics we would like to introduce you to the sensational super foods. Eating these super foods regularly, in general, can alleviate certain health conditions and prevent a few others. It also helps to overcome the shortcomings of the gene pool too.
Garlic is a naturalSuper Food healers for its natural antibiotic with antiviral, antifungal, anticoagulant and antiseptic properties. Garlic is cooked well, but it loses many of its healing properties. Raw garlic has most of its antibiotic and preventive action. Here are some of the most effective use of garlic are healed for documented illness.
* Garlic, enriched for blood. Raw garlic will do a super job enrichment of the blood. It also helps REJUVENATE your body. Eat raw garlic and garlicSupplements per day.
Attention: If you have a bleeding disorder, have ulcers, or taking anticoagulants DO NOT TAKE GARLIC garlic or supplements.
* Garlic Cholesterol: Food 4 cloves of garlic per day may be fresh cut total cholesterol by 70% (or) supplement. The member of the Allium family struggling poor circulation.The sulfur compound in garlic hold together platelets. It helps Unclog the arteries, but ask your doctor if you have blood-thinning medication.Combat Cook with garlic and onions, both effective high blood pressure. Try to take each day, if you have high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
* Garlic to fight colds and flu. The natural allicin is released when garlic is crushed. Allicin works colds, flu and other infections caused by the breakdown into smaller chemicals called fighting sulfur compounds. You wake up your immune system and helps rid your body of toxins and
Microorganisms naturally.
* Garlic in the veins. Garlic helps your blood from sticking or holding too sticky to help your blood moving through your blood vessels and reduces the risk of blood clots. A clove a day should do it. You can also use garlic capsules.
CAUTION: Drugs and garlic could lead to uncontrolled bleeding and hemorrhagic spell checker in your brain when it STROKES. To avoid this, make the warning instandardized garlic extract, and the food is not more than one clove of garlic one day.The 's more than just garlic, the quality of your life, contribute to rising health ,.... and longevity. We encourage you to read the complete analysis of this at Super Foods Library.
You have the chance to learn more from each other super foods that we discuss later on to learn. Please use the information wisely. If you have any doubt one of the side effects, contact your doctor before using it.
ONCEAGAIN, PLEASE NOTE: If you have a bleeding disorder, have ulcers, or anticoagulants, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE GARLIC garlic or supplements.
The second Super Food was used for thousands of years of people, we will try to give you as much information as possible. Here are some ways to the ginger has been used medically.
** Ginger for treatment of migraine: Mix a little powdered gingers drink into a glass with hot water. Daily approach worked for a long time migraineSufferer.
** Ginger for nausea: For centuries, sailors have relied on ginger to avoid keeping them free from motion sickness and nausea when you go on board. Eat ginger 1 / 2 hours before boarding.
Before we go further, we remind you, warns of the use of Super Food Ginger. While Ginger can help to anticoagulants such as heparin, warfarin, ticlopidine, and by your blood less sticky, but Ginger raises strengthen the odd of bleeding.
** Ginger for eyeDisorders: Taking ginger will increase circulation, so that more food reaches your eye.
** Ginger for heart disease: ginger helps lower cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure and blood clots from forming in the vessel wall, when combined with Vitamin E. It also helps to stimulate and revitalize the heart muscle and to enhance peripheral circulation to taken.
** Ginger for hypoglycemia: Ginger helps in the Balance Blood Sugar.Please note that people generally have hypoglycemia often eat small meals, the body with steady supply of foods that are easy and slowly converted into glucose.
** Ginger for Motion Sickness: The key to the effectiveness of ginger seems to contain the oil to contain it. Gingerols and Shogaol. These oils soothe the bowel and slowly depresses the central nervous system.
** Ginger for arthiritis: Traditionally used as an Ayurvedic herb, is it can relievePain caused by arthiritis joints.
** For Cancer GINGER: Ginger is combined with chemotherapy to relieve nausea. It can be taken as a tea.
Above are just some of Ginger's used to treat diseases. There are many more effectiveness ginger, like carpal tunnel syndrome, cerebral palsy, cholesterol, cold, depression, digestive disorders ,.......... We call for more information on the link below to read:
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