Friday, October 30, 2009

Lose Weight, Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a "silent killer" known - it affects our heart and arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke, often without symptoms. Chances are if you are overweight, you have high blood pressure, even if you never seen a test - there is a direct connection between weight and the increase in blood pressure.

That is because each part of the body, an offer to the needs of > Blood, including excess fat you carry. In fact, every pound of fat you take the total length of the small blood vessels in the body about a mile will be increased. Send And your heart must then pump harder, the blood through a network of more ships - the increase in blood pressure with which you wear every pound.

And thus losing weight tend to be a dramatic effect not only on your appearance and your self-esteem, but also to your> Blood Pressure.

Studies have shown that if you are overweight, losing every pound you can help your blood pressure and losing that 10kg (about 22lbs), you can 10mmgH lower your systolic blood pressure level by up to - this is as much as many blood pressure Drugs out there. And it could certainly help if you aim at the amount you reduce it.

The best way to lose weight is togradually you change your diet for a healthier and grow, take the amount of exercise. The attempt weight loss programs that do not, most people are those who come to your lifestyle change all night. That is simply not viable for most of us.

With the introduction of more fruit and vegetables, reducing portion sizes, and always a little bit more active yourself the best possible chance of success. You will not only lose weight but yourhealthier lifestyle will also help lower your blood pressure in other ways.

Copyright 2006 Janice Elizabeth Small

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Accidental Benefit of Fish Oil Includes A Startling Acne Cure

A couple of years have passed since it was proved that a key benefit of fish oil's ability to make your students were smarter. Many TV documentaries have also attracted the attention of the public, as our brain the same fats as are found in fish are brought together. Such fats, depression help stabilize a better mind and its function and the blood-thinning properties of the omega-3 fatty acids are a blessing for people with high blood pressure and fearsStroke patients.

Although these things are today are often made public, only very few know that fish oil fats may help to knock out acne with astonishing speed. In fact, many have this benefit of fish oil rather by chance, by making these additions for reasons other than to their surprise, their acne either greatly improved or disappeared discovered! The rapid improvement in skin quality is characterized one miles so excited individuals.

The two most important fatty acids in fish areEPA and DHA which are very important. One person that I had read acne for almost 20 years. His medication does not work for a while, but every time the acne always came back six months later. He's certainly more than happy to have found this fish oil acne cure, although unintentionally, quite by accident.

Personally, I came upon the importance of omega-3 fatty acids, while I was studying cancer treatments. Later, I was kindly given 2 large bottles of mixed omega-3, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. oilswere cold pressed and organic. The inclusion of these oils with my food, I felt almost like a bionic man like me on my way into town, walk for 60 minutes on foot, the round trip. So there is no doubt about the improvement in mood and emotional stabilizing influence of the good omega-3 fatty acids! Although omega-3 are from seeds is very healthy, please keep in mind that it takes longer, the fats in fish oil, the relief of acne symptoms.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Natural Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure - Do Herbal Remedies Work?

The number of people with natural ways of lowering blood pressure is on the rise. It is easy to see why. Prescription drugs are too expensive to enable them to afford without health insurance. This is probably a good thing! Blood pressure medications are notorious for their bad side effects such as impotence, fatigue, insomnia, constipation, mood swings, and much more. They are trying a lot better, lower your blood pressureof course.

You can do this with a combination of diet, doing exercise, and quality of herbal remedies for high blood pressure. The only problem is that the unregulated herbal industry for the most part, the quality of most herbal products is added, is poor. This is a shame, because the use of herbs to lower blood pressure can be a safe, effective and inexpensive method.

Natural treatments for high blood pressure havehas been around since ancient times. For thousands of years men and women have taken herbs to improve blood circulation, reduce stress and strengthen the heart.

Today, scientific studies show that these herbs do indeed have valuable medical properties. It is not surprising when you consider that hundreds of powerful medicines created with chemical compounds found in plants. Most cancer drugs, for example, come from plants. The Wall Street Journalpublished an article saying that many herbal remedies are "now scientifically documented, not only medically but also more cost effective."

Hawthorne Berry Herbs include high blood pressure, arterial plaque and can be removed more blood, oxygen and nutrients to the heart to give, Dandelion, which (apart from being a common weed that is also nature's most powerful diuretic to remove excess salt from their efficiency, the Kidney - a key cause ofHypertension - surpassing prescription diuretics) and garlic, which has long been known to reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

But you have a generous amount of high-quality herbs to take for them to be effective. If you do, you'll soon suffer a drop in blood pressure - not from side effects! Fortunately, there are products available today that can do this.

You do not really need expensiveDrugs. In fact, you're probably better off without them. Natural ways to lower high blood pressure - diet, exercise, herbs - you can take the healthy, active lifestyle you want to deliver.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nature of Superfoods - The Best 2 Natural Superfoods

Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food "Hippocrates 460 to 359 BC

"Vitality and beauty are gifts from nature for those who live according to its laws." Leonardo DEVINCI

In these topics we would like to introduce you to the sensational super foods. Eating these super foods regularly, in general, can alleviate certain health conditions and prevent a few others. It also helps to overcome the shortcomings of the gene pool too.

Garlic is a naturalSuper Food healers for its natural antibiotic with antiviral, antifungal, anticoagulant and antiseptic properties. Garlic is cooked well, but it loses many of its healing properties. Raw garlic has most of its antibiotic and preventive action. Here are some of the most effective use of garlic are healed for documented illness.

* Garlic, enriched for blood. Raw garlic will do a super job enrichment of the blood. It also helps REJUVENATE your body. Eat raw garlic and garlicSupplements per day.

Attention: If you have a bleeding disorder, have ulcers, or taking anticoagulants DO NOT TAKE GARLIC garlic or supplements.

* Garlic Cholesterol: Food 4 cloves of garlic per day may be fresh cut total cholesterol by 70% (or) supplement. The member of the Allium family struggling poor circulation.The sulfur compound in garlic hold together platelets. It helps Unclog the arteries, but ask your doctor if you have blood-thinning medication.Combat Cook with garlic and onions, both effective high blood pressure. Try to take each day, if you have high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

* Garlic to fight colds and flu. The natural allicin is released when garlic is crushed. Allicin works colds, flu and other infections caused by the breakdown into smaller chemicals called fighting sulfur compounds. You wake up your immune system and helps rid your body of toxins and
Microorganisms naturally.

* Garlic in the veins. Garlic helps your blood from sticking or holding too sticky to help your blood moving through your blood vessels and reduces the risk of blood clots. A clove a day should do it. You can also use garlic capsules.

CAUTION: Drugs and garlic could lead to uncontrolled bleeding and hemorrhagic spell checker in your brain when it STROKES. To avoid this, make the warning instandardized garlic extract, and the food is not more than one clove of garlic one day.The 's more than just garlic, the quality of your life, contribute to rising health ,.... and longevity. We encourage you to read the complete analysis of this at Super Foods Library.

You have the chance to learn more from each other super foods that we discuss later on to learn. Please use the information wisely. If you have any doubt one of the side effects, contact your doctor before using it.

ONCEAGAIN, PLEASE NOTE: If you have a bleeding disorder, have ulcers, or anticoagulants, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE GARLIC garlic or supplements.


The second Super Food was used for thousands of years of people, we will try to give you as much information as possible. Here are some ways to the ginger has been used medically.

** Ginger for treatment of migraine: Mix a little powdered gingers drink into a glass with hot water. Daily approach worked for a long time migraineSufferer.

** Ginger for nausea: For centuries, sailors have relied on ginger to avoid keeping them free from motion sickness and nausea when you go on board. Eat ginger 1 / 2 hours before boarding.

Before we go further, we remind you, warns of the use of Super Food Ginger. While Ginger can help to anticoagulants such as heparin, warfarin, ticlopidine, and by your blood less sticky, but Ginger raises strengthen the odd of bleeding.

** Ginger for eyeDisorders: Taking ginger will increase circulation, so that more food reaches your eye.

** Ginger for heart disease: ginger helps lower cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure and blood clots from forming in the vessel wall, when combined with Vitamin E. It also helps to stimulate and revitalize the heart muscle and to enhance peripheral circulation to taken.

** Ginger for hypoglycemia: Ginger helps in the Balance Blood Sugar.Please note that people generally have hypoglycemia often eat small meals, the body with steady supply of foods that are easy and slowly converted into glucose.

** Ginger for Motion Sickness: The key to the effectiveness of ginger seems to contain the oil to contain it. Gingerols and Shogaol. These oils soothe the bowel and slowly depresses the central nervous system.

** Ginger for arthiritis: Traditionally used as an Ayurvedic herb, is it can relievePain caused by arthiritis joints.

** For Cancer GINGER: Ginger is combined with chemotherapy to relieve nausea. It can be taken as a tea.

Above are just some of Ginger's used to treat diseases. There are many more effectiveness ginger, like carpal tunnel syndrome, cerebral palsy, cholesterol, cold, depression, digestive disorders ,.......... We call for more information on the link below to read:

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time To Bust Out The Cod Liver Oil!

Winter is here ... or is it just me, wearing three layers and a hat?

OK, so it is still cold at 20 degrees or so in the afternoon, but in the morning, dark ... and freezing, which begins enough for me to say, the winter set in.

With winter comes shorter days, less sunlight for those means in the house all day work. Compared to summer, when darkness only last 7-8 hours a day, offers winter darkness for about 13hrs a day. So in other words, you willgenerally set to work to increase just as the sun begins to work and you will go down if it's going.

Sunlight provides us with nutrients, especially vitamin D rose, the sun would have one of the most effective and easiest ways to obtain vitamin D. Some other sources of vitamin D include salmon, herring, tuna, sardines, Bio - mushrooms and organic eggs.

Due to the lack of sun we get in the winter we have enough vitamin D throughObtained sources of food for good health, vitamin D plays an important role in our kidneys to help absorb calcium for bone strength, and it also helps in the proper functioning of muscles and nerves.

However, most people eat too little salmon, herring, tuna, sardines and other foods rich in vitamin D each day to keep to their vitamin D levels high. Although many of cereals and milk products are now fortified with vitamin D, it is important to note that this synthetic form of a manof vitamin D that do not recognize the body to absorb and efficiently. Cereal and milk are also high in sugar, which reduces the absorption of vitamin D, so that in reality the two are mutually contradictory.

Here's cod liver oil (CLO), the extraordinarily rich in vitamin D and vitamin A, so that a spoonful of CLO and represent more than the recommended daily intake for these vitamins are. CLO not only contains more vitamin A and vitamin D per unit weight than any other foodSource, but it also consists of omgea3 essential fatty acids that are well researched, show many health benefits, including:

Improved cardiovascular health
Increased recovery and muscle growth
Improved mental / brain function
Improved memory
Increased asthma symptoms
Improved blood pressure
Improved cholesterol levels
Reduction of allergy symptoms
Improved depression, ADD, ADHD
Increased fat loss
Reduced Inflammation
Reduced risk ofCancer
Suppress cortisol and muscle breakdown

Vitamin A, D and omega-3 are essential nutrients that are lacking in the modern diet, CLO, which makes a perfect addition to any diet. These vitamins play an important role in the body to improve muscle function and supports the heart by it within the elasticity of blood vessels.

CLO at for a long time and was known for his role in promoting the health of bones known, but it also plays a roleto help many different diseases, including arthritis, heart disease, cancer, muscular pain, joint pain, affecting the chances of type 1 diabetes, affecting the chances of child mortality, improvement of the glucose response in diabetic patients, the treatment of diaper rash, healing and protection of retina of the eye, healthier-looking skin, reducing wrinkles, reducing blood pressure, reduce tooth decay, help with irritable bowel syndrome, faster wound healing, assist in the treatment of cancer,and that only a few call it?

Receipt of this benefit through the consumption of fish can be a difficult task to maintain the same level of vitamin D and A in one tablespoon of CLO, he encourages you to about a pound of fatty herring or sardines to eat.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

What Are The Benefits Of Using Brainwave Entrainment?

You may know that it is scientifically proven that the use of certain brainwave entrainment products that you will both mental and physical relaxation, in addition to improving your overall physical and mental well-being.

What are the advantages of using brainwave entrainment?

Consider just a small selection of what this technology can do for you. Is achieved using specially brainwave entrainment CDs as follows:

-Relax you and relieveStress

Relief of muscle tension and stiffness

-Lindern complaints during pregnancy

-Get faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments

-Reduce swelling and pain

-Reduce the excessive formation of scar tissue

Collection in the amount of muscle spasms

-Provide a greater mobility and flexibility

Enhancement of athletic performance;

Treat injuries caused during work or sports

Support deeper, easier and more efficientRespiration

-Improve blood circulation

- Lowers blood pressure

Voltage-Help to relieve headaches and the effects of eye-strain --

Improvement of health and nutrition of the skin

-Strengthen the immune system

Improve posture

Help to lose weight.

In addition, targeted and focused brainwave entrainment CDs and programs are also available in the following aid:

Improve mentally fit

IncreasePeace of mind

Promoting a relaxed state of mental alertness

Relieve mental stress

Increase the ability to monitor stress signals and respond appropriately

Enhance the capacity for calm thinking and creativity

Satisfy care and maintenance requirements

Foster a sense of general well-being

Reduce anxiety levels

Create an increase in body awareness

To increase awareness of the mind-body connection.

As you can see from the above list, itNot much is that properly designed brainwave entrainment CDs can not help.

Listening to certain BE CDs for less than 10 minutes is the ideal kind of mental state that your mind is susceptible to permanent and profound changes in your behavior makes inducers. Actions such as meditation, creativity, problem solving and other behavioral changes automatically if exercised in practice, as directed. Over time you will be able to achieve a state of natural physical andmental relaxation, almost immediately.

This hyper-relaxed state, it is possible that your subconscious mind readily accept and act on the specific proposals, which apply to your daily life. Especially designed brainwave entrainment frequencies are embedded on the CDs and slow down your brain waves lead to sustainable positive results. In this way, can be solved almost every problem, and any change in behavior effectively achieved.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Healthy Fats For Ballet Dancers and Other Athletes

If you no longer growing, maintaining weight means consumption as the amount of calories you burn. If you gain weight, while participating in an athletic career can you check your calorie intake. You can also examine your endocrine system for hormonal disorders and malnutrition.

A healthy diet is not from fat. Saturated fats are good sources of vitamins A and D, and also help to use the body to omega-3 fatty acids. Somesaturates antimicrobial properties to help protect you from harmful organisms in the digestive tract.

Fats, which you can take to himself, are the following:

Organic free-range meat and animal fats such as lard, tallow, etc. These fats can be used for high-heat cooking are used.

Wild caught cold water fish can be consumed 2-3 times per week. This rich source of omega-3 fatty acids is polluted with mercury and other pollutants, therefore the daily dose, using a purifiedTo supplement fish oil.

Overall, organic free range eggs. Keep the yolk intact and soft while cooking to avoid ruining the cholesterol in egg yolk.

Raw nuts. Some nutritionists recommend pre-soaking in water before eating to the phyto-nutrients and to release all the nutrients in the nuts more bio-available.

Avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated oleic acid.

Olive oil can be used for cooking at moderate temperatures.

Butter has advantages, such asFat-SOLUBLE vitamins and equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. When the butter from grass-cows, it will also linoleic acid, the strong anti-cancer properties have had conjugated.

Coconut oil is good for cooking at high heat.

Pumpkin seed oil - but not heat.

Received cod liver oil, an excellent source of vitamin D (it's clean).

Walnut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, and flaxseed oil are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. You can do with itTheir salad dressings with.

I personally am not a fan of frying foods, but if you do this, select a small amount of fats that cook high heat is recommended.

Athletes and dancers are constantly breaking and repairing damaged soft tissue. Therefore, their bodies produce inflammation, and therefore more cholesterol. This is quite natural. Cholesterol is a precursor to steroids, hormones that help us cope with stress and protect the body against heart --Disease and cancer. Estrogen and testosterone from cholesterol. Cholesterol is an antioxidant and is responsible for the proper functioning of serotonin in the brain requires.

Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression and suicidal thoughts. Cholesterol is not such a "bad guy" element, since it had been transported for a few decades.

Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, water retention, platelet stickiness, blood pressure and tumor growth. Some peoplenot assimilate the omega-3 fatty acids from plant sources, as well as meat, eggs and fish sources.

Omega-6 oils are not "bad guy" fats, but produce the balance of omega-3 oils inflammation, high blood pressure and cell proliferation (as in cancer).

Meat from wild game include a close relationship between omega-6 to omega 3 fatty acids, but raised in Germany are mainly meat of omega-6 fats.

A dancer can be 20-30% of dietary fat. Fats are burned for energyduring the long sessions, contributing to persistence.

"Fats and Oils" by Paul Chek published in "cum grano salis" has some of the above details about the fats.

To stay as a ballet dancer eat healthy, healthy fats, lots of leafy greens, vegetables and quality proteins.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hot Foot Bath - Good For Health

Hot foot bath offers relaxation on the whole body when you are tired and also helpful in removing toxins from the body. It is an effective means of reducing congestion of blood or water in the upper parts of the body.

If you take a foot bath, drink a glass of warm water, sit on a chair and deeper one's feet in a bucket with hot water. The amount of water should ideally come up to my knees. The water temperature should not be too far above theBody temperature. When the water gets cold, you go about adding more hot water. Be sure to see that the hot water has not subsequently Scald the feet.

Cover yourself with a blanket. Wrap it around your body, even if the bucket is covered, it will be all right. The head should be covered with a wet towel with cold water. As the cold evaporated in the towel, dip into cold water, wring it again easily cover your head.

In 15 to 20 minutes, you will start sweating. If aquite a lot of sweat has been formed, the bath can be finished. Wash your feet with cold water and then wipe it with a towel. Wipe your body with a damp cloth and get dressed. An ordinary bath can be taken after the hot foot bath.

Blood pressure drops over the bath. A feeling of dizziness, therefore, be the result. This feeling will pass to rest for a few minutes. But as a precautionary measure, the very weak people, pregnant womenand patients have unusually high or low blood pressure should avoid hot foot bath.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to advise the Health and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on a health program.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Your Stomach And Cardiovascular Health

Almost everyone now recognizes that the size of your waistline reflects your degree of cardiovascular risk. A new view of the problem has been found, and it has to do with your stomach itself, the amount of extra belly fat to meet. It is the hunger of the stomach, the signal to do to ghrelin.

This is particularly important because the pharmaceutical companies is coming out with suppressed ghrelin drugs in the coming years, saying its benefits in the treatment of obesity understood to outweightheir more dramatic risks (which are not clearly explained to the public).

Ghrelin in obese people is excessive, what you eat too much. Once it has a tendency to be overweight too long collected and published is not the right time. It is a convenient target drug and is clearly suffering "guilt by association" problems with obesity. However, we need to get to the simplistic notion of ghrelin Drugging off, because it is not a simplistic hormone and it is important toHealth.

A substance called nitric oxide is a relaxing your blood circulation so that your blood pressure does not increase charge. This is kind of nitric oxide and eNOS means (e) is of endothelial lining. Nitric oxide is also released during acute inflammation, induced by some irritant, it is called iNOS (i for the inducible). This type of nitric oxide is also important for health, but will be with the disease processes involved in inflammationchronic.

As it turns out, is a miracle, ghrelin connection when it works properly. She wears the production of eNOS and helps your body cope with stress, of course, to reduce iNOS because the stimulus is actually fixed. This protects the heart from damage cells directly. If there is a drug that could do what ghrelin does not, it would be the best-selling cardiovascular medicine in the world. However, Big Pharma wants to knock out to earn money ghrelin treatment of obesity --willing to ignore that this is likely to cause high blood pressure and prevent your body properly repairing itself.

To use, the natural cardiovascular protection and repair skills of ghrelin everything you need to do to eat in harmony with leptin (high leptin throws a wrench in ghrelin function), including Diet them from leptin. Use leptin helpful dietary supplements, as needed to help control your appetite and metabolism better. As youLose weight and your body is functioning normally again, ghrelin, of course, falls into line. With a normal appetite and the feeling at the right time to be satisfied to a reasonable quantity of food is the hallmark of health, not only helps you achieve and maintain a proper body weight, but have far reaching consequences for the maintenance of health during your life. It's never too late to start!

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Advantages of Taking Fiber For Your Health

One advantage of a high starch diet is that it will almost automatically high in fiber, if the food is to be highly refined or processed.

Fiber (earlier) as the roughage is a general term that refers to the substances in food digestion resistance. The amount of fiber in food is determined by the plant source and the amount of processing it undergoes. In general, the more a food is processed, the more the fibers will be reduced or removed, the lower the fiberContent.

The fiber content shown on food labels, is listed in the rule, either as fiber or fiber. Dietary fiber is the actual residue of plant food that resists digestion in the human body. Crude fiber is the residue of plant food, following a harsh chemical digestive processes in the laboratory, 1 g fiber equal to 2 to 3 grams of fiber.

There are two types of fiber: soluble fiber, which dissolves or swells in hot water, and insoluble fiber, which do notbe dissolved in water. Each plant food usually contains a mixture of fiber types.

Soluble fiber

Soluble fiber appears to have several positive effects. Because it forms gel in water, it adds bulk and thickness to the contents of the stomach and can slow emptying, thus prolonging the feeling of fullness and may help dieters control their appetites. Studies have shown that soluble fiber lowers cholesterol in the blood. The results of 10 studies in the Journal of the reportedthe American Medical Association showed 40 that is consuming oat bran cereal or oatmeal every day to lower cholesterol levels by an average of 2% to 3%. A diet rich in carbohydrates and fiber, especially soluble fiber, to improve glycemic control, lower insulin requirements and to lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure in people with diabetes. Soluble fiber also slows the absorption of sugar from the small intestine, another advantage forPeople with diabetes.

Good sources of soluble fiber are fruits, vegetables and cereals. Certain foods include prunes, pears, oranges, apples, dried beans, cauliflower, zucchini, sweet potatoes, corn and oats and bran.

Insoluble fiber

Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the contents of the intestine. This will accelerate the maturity of the remains of a meal through the small intestine and colon. This in turn seems to provide the important health benefits.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dangers of Dehydration - And The Importance of Kidney Cleansing

The human body consists of 75 percent water and is 25 percent solid matter. To provide nourishment, eliminate waste and regulate all functions in the body, we need water. Most modern societies, but not the importance of drinking water as the most important "nutrient" among all nutrients. Entire population groups are replaced with water, tea, coffee, alcohol and other manufactured beverages. Many people do not know that the natural thirst signal of theBody is a sign that it requires pure, simple water. Instead, they opt for other beverages in the belief that this would satisfy the body water requirements. This is a false assumption.

It is true that containing beverages such as tea, coffee, wine, beer, soft drinks and juices, water, but they also contain caffeine, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners or other chemicals that are as strong dehydrators. The more you drink these beverages, are drains the more, because theEffects they produce in the body exactly opposite to those produced by water. Caffeinated beverages, diuretic, for example, trigger stress reactions (severe effects cause increased urination, first). Beverages with added sugar drastically raise blood sugar levels, which used up large amounts of cellular water, too. The regular consumption of such beverages results in chronic dehydration, a common factor in all the toxic crisis.

Therevirtually no rational reason, or an illness (toxicity crisis) with synthetic drugs or even with natural medications and methods unless the body needs for drinking water treatment system has first fulfilled. Drugs and other forms of medical intervention may be hazardous to human physiology, mainly because of its dehydrating effect. Most patients are now suffering from "thirst disease," a progressive state of dehydration in certain areas of the body. Not able to remove toxinsthese parts due to inadequate water supply, the body is confronted with the consequences of their destructive effects. The lack of recognition may be made of the fundamental aspects of the water in our body responsible for seeing a disease when the body is really an urgent cry for water.

Recognizing Dehydration

Those who have lived for many years without adequate water supply, are the most likely to succumb to the creation of toxins in the body. Chronic disease is alwaysaccompanied by dehydration and in many cases caused by dehydration. The longer a person lives on a low water ration and / or on a high ration of stimulating beverages or food, the more severe and prolonged crisis, the toxicity is. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ulcers, hypertension, cancer, MS, Alzheimer's disease and other chronic forms of the disease by years of "body drought triggered." Pathogens such as bacteria and viruses can not thrive ina well-hydrated body. Do you drink enough water is therefore one of the most important means of prevention for any disease.

People who do not drink enough water or unduly deplete their body's water reserves through overstimulation for a period of gradually lower the ratio of the volume of water added to the cells, the ratio of volume of water that is found outside the cells exist . Under dehydrated conditions, the cells can lose up to 28% or more of their volume.This certainly undermines all cellular activities, whether they occur in the skin cells, stomach cells, liver cells, kidney cells or heart cells. Again, if it be maintained cellular dehydration, metabolic waste products, which are similar to symptoms of the disease, but in reality are nothing more than a sign of disturbed water metabolism. As more and more water begins to accumulate outside the cells, the drainage can not be obvious to the person concerned, he can determine, in fact, that it remains waterLeading to swelling of the legs, feet, arms and face. His kidneys may begin to hold water to noticeably reduce secretion and causing retention of harmful waste. The enzymes and proteins in living cells are dehydrated so inefficient that they are no longer able to recognize the dehydrated state of the body, they are not to set off the "thirst alarm."

Demetria, a 53-year-old Greek woman consulted me to relieve a painful condition of the gallbladder canDisease. Her skin was dark gray, indicating a high concentration of toxins in the liver and in her body. To see how dehydrated (and swollen) her body was, I offered her a glass of water. She said: "I never drink water, it makes me sick!" I told her that no more, her natural thirst signals compensated because of cellular dehydration work done, and without drinking water, her body could not continue. Each would drink the water, they would immediately be used to remove some of the toxinslurking in her stomach, causing nausea. In her case, no treatment other than drinking water would have a waste of time and money.

A dehydrated person may also suffer from lack of energy. Disturbed due to the lack of water in the cell the normal osmotic flow of water through the cell membrane or severely disturbed. Like in a stream, producing the movement of water into the cells' hydroelectric "energy, which is then stored in the form of ATP molecules(the main source of cellular energy). Normally, the water we drink keeps the cell volume balanced and the salt we eat maintains the balanced volume of water that is held outside the cells and in circulation; this generates the right osmotic pressure necessary for cellular nourishment and energy production. During dehydration, this basic process is undermined.

The Pain Connection

Another major indicator of dehydration in the body is pain. In response to increasing water Deficiency, the brain activates and stores the important neurotransmitter histamine, which directs certain subordinate water regulators on the amount of water that is circulated redistribute. This system helps move water to where it is necessary for basic metabolic activity and survival (from drought) is required. When coming histamine and its subordinate regulators for water intake and distribution of pain-sensing nerves in the body, because it strong and constant pain. These pain signals as theymanifest, such as rheumatoid arthritis, angina, dyspepsia, have lower back problems, neuralgia, migraine, headache and hangover, etc., necessary to attend to the person with the problem of general or local dehydration alert.

Taking analgesics or other analgesic drugs such as antihistamines or antacids can cause irreversible damage in the body. They not only did not address the real problem (which can be dehydrating), but they also restrict the connection between theNeurotransmitter histamine and its subordinate regulators such as vasopressin, Renin-angiotensin (RA), prostaglandin (PG), and kinins. Although measures of pain-relieving medications may relieve local pain for a while, she still does not the body from the knowledge of the priority areas for water distribution by confusion, all its functions. Avoid antihistamines - also known as allergy drugs - effectively, that the endogenous histamine from ensuring balanced water distribution.

In addition tojeopardizing the water regulating mechanisms, after reaching a certain threshold of pain, painkillers ineffective because the brain takes over as the direct center for monitoring pain perpetuation (unless of course the body is again hydrated). When the body produces pain of their own accord (not caused by an injury), this should first be interpreted as a cry for water. The use of painkillers, which suppress this cardinal signal of chronic and local dehydration of the body and the"Short circuit" of the emergency routes, sabotages the elimination of waste and sows the seeds of chronic illness.

There is enough documentation to show that these drugs can have lethal side effects. They can cause gastro-intestinal bleeding, killing thousands every year. But the body's natural pain signals are perfectly normal reactions to an abnormal situation that can easily dry out. In the event that an unbearable pain, the use of analgesics, but mayinevitable. At the same time, the pain-affected person should drink plenty of fresh water and adjust all energy-depleting factors, as these tend to have a strong dehydrating.

Body drought "- the strongest form of stress

Our brain is working around the clock uses more water than all the other parts of the body. Under normal conditions, it contains about twenty percent of all blood circulating through the body. It is estimated that there are brain cellsof 85 percent water. Their energy needs are met not only by glucose metabolism (simple sugar), but also by generating "hydroelectric" energy from the water passing through cell osmosis. The brain depends heavily on this self-produced source of energy to maintain its complex processes and efficiency.

Water deficiency in the brain cut downs its energy supply, and thus many of their vital functions are expressed - hence the word depression. With a low level of brain energyWe are not able to put our personal and social challenges and subsequently succumb to fear, fear, anger and other emotional problems. We may feel drained, lethargic, stressed and depressed. The chronic fatigue syndrome, which is usually referred to as I know, especially a symptom of progressive brain dehydration and subsequent retention of metabolic toxins in the brain. The syndrome may disappear on its own if the individual stimulation of the brain with caffeine, tobacco, drugs, animal stopsProducts, etc., and begins with a consistent program of re-hydrating the body.

The stress response

When dehydrated, the body has to put up the fight of his life - similar to the experience in a "fight or flight" situation. The Panel takes a crisis situation by mobilizing several powerful hormones, including adrenalin, endorphins, cortisone, prolactin, vasopressin and renin-angiotensin (RA).

Endorphins, for example, help us to withstand pain and stress and allows the bodycontinue most of its functions. Cortisone orders the mobilization of stored energy and important raw materials to the body with energy and basic nutrients during the crisis. In other words, this hormone can nourish the body, literally from themselves. That in itself is a very stressful situation and harmful to the body and is supported by such emotions expressed: "I can no longer be met," or "I think it's eating at me." Many patients with rheumatoid arthritis, MS or otherdegenerative diseases take cortisone drugs, which often increase them an energy and morale for a relatively short period of time.

The "success" of the drug, but only lasts as long as it still reserves in the body that can be mobilized for energy and nutrients distribution on the left. Once the body has used its emergency reserves the organism can no longer function and the symptoms of the disease become worse than ever.

Constriction of bloodVessels

If the cells are underrepresented in the body supplied with water, the brain, pituitary gland produces the neurotransmitter vasopressin, a hormone that has the property of constricting blood vessels in areas where cellular dehydration. While the drainage has reduced the amount of water in the blood. Vasopressin, as the name implies, expresses the vascular system, ie the capillaries and arteries, reducing their fluid volume. This maneuver is necessary tocontinue to provide enough pressure for continuous filtration of water into the cells. This gives vasopressin a hypertensive property. High blood pressure is a common experience of people who are dehydrated (For more information on hypertension and heart disease, see Chapter 8). A similar situation occurs in the bile ducts of the liver, begin to narrow in response to the limited availability of water. Gallstone formation is a direct result ofDehydration.

A person who drinks alcohol suppresses the secretion of vasopressin, thereby increasing the cellular dehydration (if alcohol consumption can be excessive, cellular dehydration reached dangerously) high. To survive the body to "drought", the body has eliminated more and more stress hormones, among them the addictive endorphins. With regular use of alcohol, which means every day for several years, dehydration increases the further and endorphin production becomes aaddictive habit. This can lead to alcoholism is a disease that is devastating impact on personal and social life of a man.

Water Retention and Kidney Damage

The renin-angiotensin (RA) system is activated when there is a water shortage in the body. This system is used around the body directly on the water to keep wherever possible. It mandates hamper the kidneys to the urination and tightens the capillaries and the vascular system, particularly in areas that are not as important as theBrain and the heart muscle. At the same time, it stimulates an increase in the intake of sodium (salt), which helps the body to retain water. Unless the body returns to its normal level of hydration, the RA is activated the system. This also means that the pressure of the blood on the walls of blood vessels remains abnormally high, it is known that the damage that cardiovascular diseases.

Hypertension and the retention of urine in the kidneysto kidney damage. Conventional treatments for this condition consist mostly of diuretic (urine forming) drugs and restricted salt consumption. Both may have serious drawbacks. Diuretics are used to normalize blood pressure, and reduced salt intake greatly affects the body in case of emergency efforts to save the little water is left for cell functions. Is the resultant stress response leads to a further increase in dehydration and the vicious circlecompleted. There are so many kidney replacement made today by chronic dehydration, not by something as simple as drinking enough water or causes overstimulation of the nervous system.

Caffeine and Alcohol Drama

The caffeine in these drinks like tea, coffee, cocoa or cola drinks contain not only stimulates the central nervous system and immune system but also serves as a powerful diuretic. For each cup of coffee or tea you drink, you give up about three cups ofWater, the body can not afford to give up without suffering damage. The caffeinated cola beverages work in a similar manner. Caffeine, a nerve toxin, stimulates the body's stress hormones and triggers a strong immune response that a person give the (wrong) impression that is his level of energy and vitality can be suddenly increased. To remove the nerve toxin caffeine, the body has come with extra water, which it is carried from their cells. Therefore, there is a prevalence ofcellular dehydration.

Caffeine is an important component in most soft drinks, removes water from the body faster than the body can absorb it again, this is a constant thirst. People who often can lead to soft drinks, you really never quench their thirst because their bodies again and again and delete increasingly depleted of cellular water. There are students who drink no less than 10-14 cans of cola per day. Finally, they confuse their bodies' never-ending thirst signal withHunger and they begin to eat too much, causing swelling and excessive weight gain. Apart from its diuretic effect and the addictive effect on the brain, regular intake of caffeine over-the heart muscles, causing exhaustion and heart disease.

Alcohol has a diuretic effect similar to caffeine. For every glass of beer, for example, the body is forced to sacrifice about three glasses of water. The hangover occurs when alcohol abuse is suffering because of the brainsevere dehydration. If this occurs repeatedly, damaged a large number of brain cells and die. Many important brain functions slow down or become depressed. Recovery is possible, to a certain extent if alcohol consumption is discontinued.

Kidney stones

The main functions of the kidneys keep the blood pure and healthy, and maintenance of proper fluid balance in the body. To accomplish this feat, the kidneys constantly monitor normal blood volume andTo keep filters from the blood into the right amount of urine, and balanced. There are many factors that this mechanism may interfere and cause congestion in the kidneys. They include overstimulation, dehydration, fatigue, overeating, gallstones, hypertension, disorders, or medical drugs, vitamins, digestive disorders, etc. When the kidneys are adequate separation of urine from the blood, part of the urine remains incapable of circulatingthroughout the body, depositing urine waste products in the blood vessels, joints, tissues and organs. Skin diseases, strong body odor, sweating of the hands and feet, water retention, intestinal swelling, high blood pressure, etc. are all signs of toxic blood caused by crystals and stones in the kidneys.

Begin stones in the kidneys, tiny crystals and can eventually become worse as big as an egg. The tiny crystals are too small to be detected by X-rays andbecause they do not cause pain, they are rare but they are large enough to notice the flow of fluid through the tiny kidney tubules block. Crystals or stones formed in the kidneys when urinary constituents, which are usually precipitated in the solution. Precipitation occurs when these particles occur in excessive or if urine is concentrated. The crystal particles or stones are usually full of sharp edges that are cut and removed the inner surface of the urethra can(Ureter) during their passage through the kidneys, the bladder. This causes severe pain in the lumbar or lower back. It may even be blood in the urine, pain running legs, numbness in the thighs and difficulty in urination.

Most of the crystals or stones originate in the kidneys, but some may also be formed in the bladder. If there is a great stone, a ureter, urine flow is obstructed. This can lead to serious complications such as kidney infection or kidneyFailure.

Why The Need For A Kidney Cleanse?

The kidneys do have undertaken a massive effort to keep the body free of toxic substances like lead, cadmium, mercury and other pollutants impassable. They also retain fluid and electrolyte balance and regulate the pressure from the heart that forces the blood through the filter system. Kidney stones greatly impair this ability, which increases the amounts of heavy metals and increases the body's owngeneral level of toxicity. This can lead to infections, hypertension, heart, brain disorders, cancer and many other diseases.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of crystals and stones in the kidney or bladder: A dark or whitish color under the eyes, swollen or puffy eyes, especially in the morning, deep wrinkles under and around the eyes, small white, tan -colored or dark lumps under the eyes, which can be felt or made visible when stretching theSkin to the outside of the cheekbone; overlap of the skin of the upper eyelid, chronic lower back pain, swelling of the feet and legs, constant fear or anxiety.
There are a number of herbs, which see effective solutions kidney stones over a period of 20-30 days (to clean the updated protocol kidney in the book The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush ( and you can purchase herbs from The Present Moment Herbs and Books in Minneapolis, tel. 800-378-3245 (askstores for "Moritz Kidney Tea") or other plant. Whether someone has been diagnosed as having kidney stones or not will make a kidney once or twice a year produces tremendous curative and preventive services to clean. The kidney cleanse not only improves physical health but also reduces stress, anxiety and worry.

This information was derived from my book Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation (2005 edition).

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Benefits of Chromium

Chromium is an essential mineral. It is important because the body needs it, but can not produce. The typical American diet is low in chromium. This is unfortunate, because low chromium levels increase your risk for many chronic debilitating diseases.


Chromium works with insulin produced in order to enhance the transport of glucose from the blood and into the cell. This feature improves health in many ways, including:

1. Declining blood sugar - Chromium can help reduce the amount of sugar in your blood reduces the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

2. Decreasing LDL - Chromium can help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood.

3. Raising HDL - Chromium may help to increase the amount of good cholesterol in your blood.

4. Decreasing blood pressure - Chromium can help reduce your> Blood Pressure.

5. Decreasing the risk of heart disease and stroke - Chromium may help your risk of heart disease to reduce, with a heart attack or stroke by reducing your HDL and your LDL and blood pressure.

6. Decreasing body fat - Chromium may improve your body insulin sensitivity, helps reduce body fat.

7. Increase in lean body mass - Chromium may help your body to improve insulin sensitivity, increaseMuscle mass.

Where do you find it

Chrome can be found in many common foods, including mushrooms, cheese, wholemeal bread and whole grain products. You can also chromium in tablet and capsule form.

In order to fully benefit from chrome, I would recommend you supplement with 200 micrograms of chromium picolinate daily receive.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Traditional Menopausal Therapies and Medications For Severe Menopausal Symptoms

Whether it comes sooner or later, the symptoms begin to manifest when the time comes. There are many symptoms of menopause, but not all are from each woman approaches the time of menopause experienced. The mildness and severity of symptoms depend on many factors.

The symptoms do not require medical treatment because of menopause is not a disease but a normal stage in the life of a woman. But if the symptoms are severe enough to everyday work and normal activities of the disturbanceMenopausal women, supportive therapy and medication can be used to alleviate discomfort. (The proposals are among the more traditional approach, and we will follow in subsequent articles, the more organic approach.)

Hormone replacement therapy

1. Conjugated estrogen - low dose of estrogen be prescribed by physicians through pills or ointments to relieve unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Most symptoms are due to the decline in estrogen levels inBody. Therefore, low-dose estrogen is given to alleviate the severity of the symptoms of menopause.

2. Estrogen-progestin - also known as combination hormone therapy. Low doses of both hormones are given in combination to the erratic fluctuations of the two hormones in the bodies of women going through menopause, the symptoms of menopause will be prevented.


1. Selective estrogen receptor modulators burden - the impact of menopausal symptoms. An example of this is that Femarelle help Increase in bone density to protect against osteoporotic fractures.

2. Antidepressants - to aid a restful sleep and improve mood. One example is Prozac, used in Premenstrual
Dysphoric disorder, a mood disorder through the menopause by a sudden drop of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain caused to be tightened. Be used by May in episodes of hot flashes.

3. Gabapentin - used in flushing episodes.

4. Antihypertensives alleviate - to hot flashes and high blood pressure> Pressure.

Other therapies

These are conventional methods to minimize, to the symptoms of discomfort. This includes the use of lubricants, in particular vaginal lubricants painful intercourse by the dryness of the vagina to prevent. Another reason is to help the use of low-dose estrogen creams vaginal dryness and thinning or atrophy. Women going through menopause should also stay away from hot flashes triggering factors such as hot drinks, spicy foods, hot environment, etc., but must remain in cool spaces,the removal of excess clothing and drinking cold liquids. Can for mood instability and emotional problems, women in menopause asking for help or support groups to individual counseling in order to aid them in their transition period.

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Weight Loss Tips

Now every day is controversial to maintain their figure. But some people find it very hard for her figure, which most people want to lose weight very fast, but this is very dangerous to maintain. Natural weight loss is easy if we follow a few simple tips.

Why Lose Weight?

Thinning helps to manage and control these diseases: --

Heart disease or stroke
High Blood Pressure> Print
High cholesterol
Gallbladder disease
Breathing problems

How can I effectively lose weight?

Eat fruit and vegetables. Eat one piece of fruit every day and try to make low sugar high fiber fruits, plums, pears and apples. And something else is that fruit juices be avoided because it contains sugar.

Use olive oil instead of vegetable oils such as supermarkets. Apply olive oil to your food to cook.

Drink lots of water throughout theDay, I do not wait at least 8 glasses until you it means that you are dehydrated are thirsty.

Eat chicken, meat, cessation, and avoid fatty foods.

The best good fats are omega-3 found to be in fish and linseed oil.

Avoid junk food as it contains HELLO fats, and is hazardous to health.

Practice daily. But avoid training the same day.

If possible, then try to cycling.

Do not take your car if you are just a few blocks from home, taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Eatcalorie foods and high-protein foods.

You should eat less as the day gets later.

Eat foods high in natural nutrients. Organic food is best.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How To Treat Infertility With Acupuncture

Nothing is more beautiful and more satisfying then the birth of a new life. A woman sees this as the best moment of her life. But unfortunately, can not fulfill every woman's dreams to give birth to the bundle of joy. Some suffer from infertility problems.

Medical science infertility refers to the inability of a person, male or female to conceive or let imagine a child on the process of sexual intercourse.

When it comes to women, this condition is very seriousand usually occurs in nearly one in six women. Be carried out according to a research, it is clear that female infertility is only about 40% of all cases of infertility responsible. The most common causes of female fertility are blocked endometriosis, fallopian tube, and ovulation problems.

Fortunately, there are several ways to treat infertility in those days. One of the most common among these options includes solutions from non-drug treatments.

Acupuncture can workMiracle treat infertility. However, most people have under estimated the strength of this wonderful treatment option for infertility.

Acupuncture can be effectively used in cases of infertility treatment, where the real cause of the problem is functional and not structural. Functional infertility can be described as a state in which the main problem lies with hormones or feelings of a person. Structural infertility on the other hand, is a prerequisite for an escrow accountOviduct.

The main role of an acupuncturist is to observe the causes of infertility and then to act accordingly.

Several studies have, that acupuncture is extremely effective as a treatment of infertility when used in combination with various methods, including infertility, in vitro fertilization using proven.

When acupuncture needles are inserted within the female body, there is a stimulation of certain important gender-oriented other chemicals in the body. This alsoaccompanied with a feeling of mental health as well as the trust that works towards making acupuncture helpful.

Typically, the practitioner analyzes the reasons for the increase in success rate in restoring blood flow to the reproductive organs proceeds. This finally results in normalization of hormonal levels in the body.

This makes it easier for ovulation and increases the chances of the whole concept. The best part is that there is noRisks in going for acupuncture to treat infertility.

Acupuncture treatments can be carried out in combination, specifically prescribed for a variety of herbal medicines for the treatment of infertility. This increases the chances of treating the disease more effectively and successfully.

You can even change for a healthy diet and lifestyle options to go in conjunction with acupuncture to successfully treat infertility problems. This increases the chancesto achieve the better results.

Acupuncture is also known to reduce the chances of miscarriage and effort in pregnancies.

Remember that acupuncture is performed only effective in cases where the treatment is an experienced acupuncturist.

Make a thorough research before deciding to go for acupuncture to treat infertility.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Everybody Ought to Know About Food Labels

Eating fresh or minimally processed foods as much as possible, since they are usually only a few additives. Avoid junk foods (such as cookies, candy and soda), which not only filled up from artificial colors and other additives, but little nutrition - calories, sugars, fats and / or sodium.

This is good advice, especially for children who are the main consumers of junk food and are at increased risk if there are any health problems with additives.

Why do someFoods that are not all the ingredients list at all? Ketchup, cheddar cheese, peanut butter, margarine, and are at three in-hundred-odd staples that are not on the list of ingredients or nutrients because they are produced by a "Default Identity" - a formula indicating concentrations of different ingredients -- regulated by the FDA. For example, if the glass says: "mayonnaise", it must contain vegetable oil, vinegar and / or lemon juice and egg yolks; do not have these ingredients are explained. Certainoptional ingredients must, however, such as salt, sweeteners and preservatives, are listed. Some manufacturers voluntarily list of ingredients in standardized foods, others offer lists of ingredients at the request of the consumer.

Most foods are not standardized, so they must list their ingredients. Even so, a list of ingredients can be deceptive when it comes to sugar and sodium, but less than clear flavors and colors.

Food labels say little about the problem two nutrientsthat most can be important for you - fat and cholesterol.

A nutrition label must specify how many grams of fat list is in a portion, but rarely indicate anything beyond, and very little food, what percent of their calories from fat. A breakdown of fats in unsaturated and saturated fatty acids is optional. Cholesterol content is also optional, unless a claim is made about them.

Read food labels. But remember additives are not always listed: more than threeone hundred standardized foods are not on their list of ingredients. Ice, for example, some twenty-five certain additives, without any of them list.

Your intake of foods listing "artificial colors." Substitute limit of real fruit juice in color. Still will not hurt sometimes maraschino cherries.

Maintain a variety of foods. This will limit the exposure to a food additive, it should be out that long-termRisks.

Who is protecting you?

Did you know?

Stabilizers, thickeners and texture of donors such as gum, carrageenan, gelatin, flour, pectin, cellulose, starch and additives may be added to improve the consistency and to give desired texture.

Many are natural carbohydrates that absorb water in foods. These additives affect "mouthfeel" of food - that prevent the formation of ice crystals in ice cream.

Additives are widelyand studied, primarily regulated by the FDA. Required legislation in 1958 and 1960 manufacturers to prove the safety of a new additive, previously was the burden on the government to prove the health hazards of the substance.

Margin of Safety. If the manufacturer has evidence supported testing, ensure that an additive, the FDA sets guidelines for their use. Basically, food manufacturers can use only about one-hundredth of the smallest amount of an additive shown that toxic in laboratoryAnimals.

The Delaney clause. This is the restrictive provisions of the Act in 1958, states that a substance is cancer in animals or humans can not cause food to be displayed included in any quantity.

Food manufacturers argue against this rule on the grounds that it is tiny in some cases, the cancer risk or that risk is indeed the benefits of the additive may provide - more than compensated with nitrites, and saccharin, weak carcinogens that are still on theMarket.

Testing for Safety

Even under the best circumstances, absolute safety of an additive may never be proven through. Any substance can be harmful if used it in excess. Studies in animals that are our primary method of examination, have their limits. You may not in the assessment of the degree of cancer risk from long-term use due to short life, the animal effect. Moreover, it is difficult to make accurate comparisons between animals and humans. Other questions concernpossible interactions of hundreds of food additives we consume.

With countless diets, programs and products promise you shed pounds, it should be easy. But as everyone knows, a veteran Dieter is it hard to lose weight. It is even harder to keep it off.

Simply eating too much and not active enough is the cause of people who are overweight. Too many people focus on losing the pounds in order to improve appearance, when the primary focus of attention should checkachieving and maintaining good health.

To ensure the proper daily nutritional value:

-Maintain a variety of foods

-Maintain a high-fiber diet (choose more grains, fruits and vegetables instead of protein, fat and sugar)

-Ensure you eat a low fat diet with low cholesterol content (not more than 30% of calories from fat, including only 10% of saturated fatty acids)

-Use moderate amounts of salt and sodium and choose sugar substitutes

Limit alcoholic host

Oftenthe first step to a good diet lies in changing food and eating:

-Don 't skip meals

-Maintain a series of small meals throughout the day and avoid a large meal late at night

Food and chew slowly

-Use a small plate with a "full plate to reach"

-Don 't go back for seconds

-Baking or roasting food instead of frying

Order-low-calorie menus and purchase of small or low-fat foods (remember that low-fat does not necessarily meancalorie)

-Learn more about nutritional values and healthy meal combinations

-Reward yourself with non-food pleasures

Ounce for ounce, fat provides more than twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates (nine calories from four). This energy difference can explain how fat promotes weight gain. But even if calories are the same, a person to eat a high fat diet tends to be stronger excess calories as body fat than someone who save a lower-fat food diet.

-ForMany people can be achieved to maintain a desirable weight, a body fat percentage is only through an integrated nutrition and exercise program, or balancing energy intake with energy expenditure. If you are overweight, shedding pounds often leads to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension and other diseases. Even small weight losses can have significant health benefits.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Height Growth Pills Do Not Work - Stop Using Them

Height growth pills are considered one of the easiest ways to increase height. I am very sure that almost every doctor is proposing to take these pills to enhance growth. But you are here to learn the truth - they do not work!

In this article you will know why these pills is not recommended. You will also know how you can naturally grow larger.

Height growth pills - Why they do not work

First, the tablets are prepared so that your alcohol consumptiondoesn't stop for a few months. This way the pill manufacturing companies can make good profit out of you.

Secondly, these companies claim to improve your growth by maximizing the growth hormones production. These claims are false. They just scam you with worthless pills that will do nothing to improve your height.

Thirdly, consuming such pills may put you in other health problems too. Many people have reported loss of sleep, lower memory power and loss of appetite after to consume these pills.

I recommend that you not in the height growth pills, because they are simply cheating. You certainly will not help. Instead, try to go for natural methods because it is the only way to improve your growth.

Natural methods are safe, easy and very effective. Furthermore, they can from home without being made too much money on expensive products and hopeless.

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lower Cholesterol - How to Use Dietary Fiber to Lower Cholesterol

Do you have high cholesterol? Increase your fiber!
Do you have high blood pressure? Increase your fiber!
Are you overweight? Increase your fiber!

What is known) with fiber (also known as roughage? It seems to play a role in almost all health problems to play.

Now go as far as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, fiber binds to cholesterol in the circulation and helps remove it from the body. Research has shown that for every 1-2 gramsdaily intake of soluble fiber, LDL (bad cholesterol) is reduced 1%.

The increased weight control side of things, fiber-saturation (how full you feel), aid efforts to lose weight and / or maintaining a healthy weight.

4 Things You Need To Know To Make Fiber work for you:

1. There are two types of fibers.

Insoluble fiber

Insoluble fiber is still relatively intact, as evidenced by the digestive system. The primaryFunction of insoluble fiber is the waste through the intestines and colon to maintain balance between acidity and move.

Soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is the type of fiber responsible for lowering total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

2. Sources of insoluble fiber

Fruit peels and root Skins
Vegetables (green beans, celery, cauliflower, zucchini, Swiss chard, turnips, potato skins and dark green leafy vegetables)
Wheat and grain products
Corn bran
Seeds and nuts

3. Sources of soluble fiber

Oats and oat bran
Legumes (dried beans and peas)
Barley, rye
Fruits (eg oranges, apples, plums, prunes, berries)
Vegetables (eg carrots, broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions)
Psyllium Husk

4. How much do you need?

Shoot for 25-35 grams of fiber daily. Of them, should make up 15 grams of soluble fiber, the average U.S. dietary fiber intake is 12-18 grams / day. IfYour current diet is low in fiber, not over night at 35 grams increased. A sudden increase is in the gastrointestinal (stomach result) distress and unpleasant side effects (flatulence and diarrhea). You want to gradually increase your fiber intake too.

Bottom Line:

Choose high fiber foods, especially foods containing the soluble fiber. I once say a gastroenterologist, he would be out of work if everyone just ate more beans!

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Medical Advice: How to Talk with Your Doctor about Embarrassing Medical Problems

The realization hit Natalie like a ton of bricks. Her mother, Joann, had literally died of embarrassment! Joann had noticed blood in her stool almost a year before she was diagnosed with colon cancer. At first she told herself, it must have been the beets she ate. Then she thought it was likely her hemorrhoids, although she did not have the flair-up of hemorrhoids since Natalie's birth 52 years ago.

The truth was that Joann was embarrassed to talk to their doctor about itprivate topics such as her bowel habits. She did not want the concern with her doctor until she had bloating, cramping and abdominal pain. This led to the diagnosis of colorectal cancer is that it is ultimately their lives. Natalie's brother-in-law who was a nurse, wondered whether Joann would still be alive if she had told their doctor about the blood in their stool when she first noticed.

Let's face it, certain topics are embarrassing to talk about with your doctor. I call it the5 P's:

• Peeing

• Pooping

• Paying

• Procreating

• Psychic moans

Although embarrassed at first glance, the challenge of talking to your doctor about medical topics seems simple enough, for some people, it can lead to considerable suffering.

Hillary, for example, had what today as a shy bladder. She had not used a public restroom in over 20 years. She was too embarrassed to talk to their doctor about it, but theyremained a prisoner, her bladder.

Ed was discharged from work and could no longer afford his asthma medications. Instead of talking with his doctor, he decided, without He wound up in the emergency room with an asthma attack, was that regular medication could be avoided.

Tom had some sexual side effects from his blood pressure medicine. Instead of talking to his doctor and get a different medicine, he simply stopped taking on. Doctorswonder whether this might have contributed to his heart attack.

Jerry noticed his loss of appetite and sleep disturbances as his caregiver responsibilities for his old father mounted. He wondered whether he might be depressed, but dismissed the thought because real men do not get depressed.

Imagine how each of these stories might have been different if these people suffered in silence could have talked with their doctor.

Here are 6 tips to help you speak, you are using yourDoctor about embarrassing medical topics:

1. Own embarrassment.

Talk to your doctor: "It's a taboo subject in our family, so it is difficult to ask for me. Is it normal to have a funny smell from your belly button?"

2. Find the words.

Your doctor speaks a specialized language acquired through years of training. For some patients are embarrassed because they do not know the "right words" or
have a hard time, theProblem.

Please note that your job is to communicate. You do not need to know the fancy words to do. If a patient said to me: "Dad had an operation on the Dingle ball, what's on the back of the throat," I want to know what he meant. And the patient would seem easier if I said "Oh, you mean the uvula."

The best way to ensure that you and your doctor understand each other anatomically correct words to use. Get a basic anatomy atlas. Use the correct anatomic
Words with your children.

3. Practice saying the words.

Sometimes embarrassing words can be hard to get out of your mouth. Gertrude, a 90-year-old woman said to me: "You young people do not understand how much they have changed things. When I got breast cancer in 1962, it was the chest, the words" and "cancer is not pronounced" in good company. "A few words to say embarrassing. Practice these words out loud when you're alone! They do iteasier to say, in the doctor's office

4. Find the right person to ask.

You may have a simple relationship with the nurse or receptionist at your doctor. You can order the sensitive topic with them. Say, could "Trish, please give the doctor a heads-up. I want to know why I should not say anything about the steroids my friends on the gym offer me. I'd love to see how they do."

5. Are you asking the right path.

Perhaps it iseasier for you a note or a cartoon to your doctor did not drop to ask in person. Find the style that works best for you.

6. Remember that your doctor help you not to judge you.

Your doctor has heard it all already. I promise! Your doctor will not think less of you to ask an embarrassing medical question, in fact, your doctor will think more of you for overcoming your fear and help you responsibility for your health.

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