Monday, November 2, 2009

Lower Stress, Lower Blood Pressure

The medical profession is finally beginning to wake up and what logic and intuition has always told us: Stress is an important factor for hypertension. Until recently, only a stress factor and not in itself a primary cause of hypertension. It followed, therefore, that relaxation and stress reduction have only a small and / or temporary effect on blood pressure.

But good research is now showing clear:high loads are connected to high blood pressure. As part of the natural human reaction to fight or flee under pressure, causing stress hormone levels increase in the body. These changes that may occur when chronic, easily become a major factor or even the main cause of high blood pressure.

Is caused, even in cases of secondary hypertension, high blood pressure in some organic cause can be stressfulmajor aggravator of disease.

So, if a high level of stress is an important factor for high blood pressure are, it stands to reason that reducing stress can lower blood pressure. This approach is quick, effective and does not require expensive drugs or doctor visits.

Many hypertension sufferers are looking to create easy ways to the blood pressure at home, without drugs. The first step inLowering your blood pressure should always begin with a few simple lifestyle changes, including learning stress management techniques. These techniques, with advice from your doctor can help lower your blood pressure, quickly and easily.

Here are some simple ways to start reducing stress:

Learn more sleep. The human body needs at least eight hours of sleep per night. This gives both the mind and body, oneChance to rest, rest and refuel. Without this option, you get tired, irritable and stressed. Lack of sleep can lead to increased stress and high blood pressure.

Exercise regularly Regular sports movement will help lower your blood pressure, while adding energy and vitality to your daily life. Exercise is also a great stress release, allowing you to work out tension, while you move your body.Thinning can be an added benefit of exercise often, and this can reduce blood pressure.

Eat a balanced diet. Nourishing food and whole foods will not only help lower your blood pressure, but your stress as well. A diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, with plenty of whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, essential for good health. Processed foods, for example, often contain unnatural amounts of salt, which upsets the normal balance of sodium, magnesium and potassium in the body, increase blood pressure. You can counteract this by eating whole foods with a natural balance of minerals and / or by taking a modest supplement of magnesium. The added advantage is to reduce that magnesium and calcium also help calm the nerves and stress.

Take time for yourself every day. Therefore, that your time is a good way to > You reduce your stress. Bring no work home with you. Take time to relax, spend time with your family, play a game, read a book or just relax. This time is essential for your wellbeing.

Express your feelings. It is important to have a partner or close friend to make air. Keep your feelings bottled inside is dangerous and unhealthy. Sharing your problems with someone who is a big and positive way to reduce stress and lower blood pressure> Print as well.

Slow breathing. One often hears this as "deep breathing" described, but slow breathing is a much more helpful way to think about it. Slow breathing and relaxation exercises can be an easy way to reduce your stress. Taking a few minutes each day to relax and unwind, some soft music, breathing slowly and deeply, you can just drop the right thing these numbers on your next visit physician.

With a few simple lifestyleChanges like this, can you lower your stress and reduce your blood pressure. Start a stress management program today! You will be glad you made these changes, and your blood pressure will be seen to.

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