Monday, September 21, 2009

High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension Herbal Remedies Or Home Remedies

Blood pressure normally shoots during the winter, because the hardened walls of blood vessels and get the blood flow is slow, increasing the pressure of the blood in the vessels wall. It happens very often in older women after menopause (cessation of menstruation), by hormonal changes in them after stoppage of menstruation around 40 years. Before 40, males are more susceptible to hypertension due to emotional factors. Some people startPrecautions if they are diagnosed as mild hypertension. Anyone who does not care for severe hypertension.

Elevated blood pressure is usually diagnosed by chance in the treatment of another disease. High blood pressure rarely causes symptoms until structural damage has occurred. So it is important that these people done before this diagnosis. Blood pressure should be checked at least once in two months and the goal ofTreatment should achieve a blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg, and ideally a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg.

Daily intake of onion juice and honey (two teaspoons) once a day is very effective in high blood pressure. Take advantage of this treatment for 5-7 days. If you can find help and comfort to continue for several days.

Grind equal amounts of watermelon seeds and khas khas and hold together. Take one teaspoon in the morning (fasting) andEvening with water for lowering blood pressure. This mixture melts cholesterol, which starts coming out gradually. Take this for three to four weeks as needed.

Take a teaspoon of fenugreek provides morning and evening on an empty stomach for 10-15 days with water. It is also useful in diabetes mellitus.

Take one or two pieces of garlic, raisins, rolled in order to lower blood pressure.

Use the water kept in a copper vessel forDrink.

Take four leaves Tulsi and two leaves of Neem with two to four teaspoons of water, empty stomach, for five to seven days. This reduces high blood pressure.

Take fresh papayas daily on an empty stomach for a month and set to nothing.

Onion and garlic, if taken in balanced amounts, you can not raise cholesterol in the blood because they fibrinolytic material that melts the blood stops included Cholesterol.

Do not take milk, butter, oil, cigarettes, alcohol, butter, salt, potato, jaggery, sweets, polished rice, sugar, meat and fish.

Garlic is a versatile herb that is excellent for thrombosis (formation of a blood clot in the heart vessels leading to obstruction of blood flow), arteriosclerosis, hypertension and high cholesterol

Obesity is considered a major cause of hypertension. The greater the > Weight gain, the greater the risk of blood pressure. Therefore, care should be taken to control excess weight gain. Regular exercise and a nutritious diet aids in controlling weight. Patients of hypertension are overweight, as a rule, so reducing the weight is essential. A low calorie diet is not recommended for these patients. Even those with normal weight have hypertension should lose weight and reduce energy consumption, which helps lower> Blood Pressure.

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